Thursday, February 11, 2010

this and that

For those of you wondering - my our new hobby happens to be knitting! Thanks to Knifty Knitter, my creativity has been flowing. Don't get excited, I still cannot sew a button. But I can make a knitted hat now! I really think this could be addicting. Cody even knitted a hat - can you say bored? They actually turn out really cute - I feel crafty.
Cody made this hat - it is too big - but it's cute as can be!

Logan's therapy went well yesterday. We tried everything. We were told which sippy's to use, and which not too. Some flow too fast, some too slow. O so complicated. We are supposed to try and make her drink one of her bottles from a sippy. I am a little concerned. Logan only drinks 3 bottles a day. We are to take either the morning or afternoon bottle and put the formula in a sippy. She currently cannot drink from a sippy - she may get 1/2 of an oz of liquid from a sippy - at most. This will significantly cut down on her calories, not to mention she will be hungry! I may be wrong. However, I am not eager to start this trial and error process. The reason for this is so she will be able to drink cow's milk (when we transition) from a sippy. If she is only used to water coming from it, she probably will not transition well, not to mention the troubles with the sippy to begin with.
She also gave us a makeshift sippy cup. It is a squeeze bottle that we can put a straw through. Logan does well with a straw, just can't pace herself without gagging with thin liquids. The squeeze bottle should help us help her pace herself. We shall see. She said that Logan should be drinking 6-8oz of liquid, other than formula, per day. Wow - she only drinks about 14oz of formula a day - no other liquids other than what she get down her in spurts - it may add up to 1/2oz. She said if the squeeze bottle doesn't help her learn, we will thicken the liquids.

In other news, her eye looks better. She loves pulling up on everything! She is strong. I don't think she is going to crawl - hopefully she will prove me wrong. She has such an interest in standing, and she really wants to cruise, but doesn't have the courage to move those wobbly legs yet! We have done everything to discourage her from walking before she crawls (per her physical therapist) but it is looking like that may not happen.

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