gives you the most sloppery kiss on the cheek
waves like she is riding a bull in the rodeo
smiles when you get her up from a nap
smiles when you walk in the room
laughs when you tickle her under her arms
gets excited playing "I'm gonna get you!"
crawls over and under stuff
pulls to stand on everything
reaches for you when she wants you
feels my face
acts silly
makes funny faces
talks to us in the car
says mamamamama all day
when she picks her Daddy's nose, and pulls his ears
cuddles in the bed with us in the morning
pulls everything off the coffee table and throws it in the floor
dances to the Hot Dog song every morning
puts her hands together when she wants to play Pat-A-Cake
mimics every noise you make
scoots around
slings everything out of her diaper bag
pulls all the wipes out of the wipe case
she calms down (every time) when you sing "Skinnamarink"
feels my hair, while really pulling it, one strand at a time
Seriously, there is nothing we don't love about this girl.