Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Logan had her evaluation this morning. The lady came to the house, it was very nice. Logan qualified for several of the programs Babies Can't Wait offers. Am I glad she qualified? No, but I am happy that there are services available to help her. Logan was delayed in; gross motor, fine motor, communication, problem solving as well as personal/social. Someone will call us in the next few day to set up a more in depth evaluation. We will see where that leads us - She is napping, she is always tired after any type of therapy, it's hard work!

This afternoon Logan and I went to visit a friend who has recently had a baby. Her baby is beautiful and I enjoyed being able to spend time with them. Logan was great - entertained herself playing in her diaper bag. It is her new favorite thing to do. She is so nosey.

She is always peeking her head around to see what's going on

Tomorrow Logan will be having a Babies Can't Wait evaluation.  I am not real sure what the evaluation consists of. I know they will test her in all areas of development and see if she qualifies for any of their services. For development, doctors/therapists go by her adjusted age, because it is not fair to judge her on her actual age, because she is not supposed to be that old - does that make sense? The problem comes when she falls behind her adjusted age. She is receiving rehab services at Children's and we are very pleased. The evaluation tomorrow is just to see if she would qualify if we were to need them in the future. Let's pray it goes well.

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