Sunday, June 20, 2010

daddy love...

Logan has an amazing father. Last year, special days seemed to be a blur - Logan was new, tiny, and fussy! Celebrating special days were the last thing on our minds. This year, Cody worked Mother's Day & Father's Day. Not very much fun. That makes it hard to "make it special," because the upcoming week holds work also - however, the time that he spends with Logan, is pretty magical :-)

first time holding her

Logan is Daddy's girl for sure.
                                                  She loves to crawl all over him on the floor
she loves playing with his ears
she loves it when he gets her tickles
She feels safe in the arms of her Daddy...

I won't speak for all men, but I can say for sure that Cody had no idea what was coming to him when we found out we were expecting. We would listen to her heart rate on the little doppler every night. On the nights he worked, I recorded it on my phone and sent it to him. We picked out a name for her, even began completing her baby book. He was excited, but it wasn't real. He saw the kicks, saw her little face on an ultrasound, heard her heartbeat, but it wasn't real until that beautiful moment when she entered this world. At that moment, he was Logan's Daddy, and nothing else mattered. He followed her to the NICU and stayed as long as they allowed. He came back with pictures. He called in the middle of the night to check on her when she was in the hospital. After she was home, he did everything he could to help and be a great dad. Logan is truly blessed, and there is such real love between the two -

Happy Father's Day!


  1. she is such a gorgeous baby; always has been. Great post. Happy Father's Day Cody!

  2. Happy Father's Day! What a blessing to have such a dedicated daddy :)
