Wednesday, April 14, 2010


It's been a while since I posted a RAW(e), but this week's theme is shoes. O Logan's feet are finally big enough for some shoes; even though she doesn't keep them on for longer than 4 seconds, they are cute. RAW(e) was started by Sami and encourages you to take pictures of a weekly theme, and post unedited. Let me tell you, I could have had fun editing this set.

Those are Logan's new kicks. They were a birthday gift, too cute huh?
She couldn't reach them to take them off in her swing :-)


  1. Oh, these are cute shoes!! I have a thing about shoes for Sadie, too! When we were in China, I bought her 26 pairs of squeaky shoes in different colors and sizes! (I now take the squeakers out - the novelty has *defintely* worn off!)

  2. They look so cute on her little feet! Your pictures are always amazing!! And Logan is precious in all of them!

  3. PLEASE pretty, PLEASE teach me to edit!!!

  4. Those sneaks are just too cute... I want them for myself! But I think they look cuter on her.

  5. :) She's wearing shoes. I love it.
